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Douglas College Collective Agreement: What You Need to Know

A collective agreement is a legally binding document that establishes the terms and conditions of employment for a group of unionized workers. It outlines everything from wages and benefits to job security and workplace safety. For employees at Douglas College, the collective agreement is an important document that can affect their working conditions and ultimately, their quality of life.

Douglas College is a public post-secondary institution located in British Columbia, Canada. It offers a wide range of programs and services to over 14,000 students annually. The college employs over 1,500 faculty and staff members, many of whom are unionized under the British Columbia Government and Service Employees` Union (BCGEU).

The current collective agreement between Douglas College and the BCGEU was signed in 2019 and is set to expire on March 31, 2022. It covers a wide range of topics, including wages, benefits, leave entitlements, and job security.


The collective agreement establishes minimum wages for all unionized employees at Douglas College. It also provides for regular wage increases based on seniority and performance. As of September 2020, the minimum wage for a new hire at Douglas College is $22.45 per hour, while the maximum wage for a highly experienced employee is $45.39 per hour.


Employees at Douglas College are entitled to a range of benefits, including extended health and dental coverage, life insurance, and long-term disability insurance. The collective agreement also provides for a pension plan, which is funded by both the employer and the employee.

Leave Entitlements

Unionized employees at Douglas College are entitled to various types of leave, including sick leave, bereavement leave, and maternity and parental leave. The collective agreement sets out the terms and conditions for each type of leave, including the amount of time off and the eligibility requirements.

Job Security

The collective agreement provides job security for unionized employees at Douglas College. It outlines the procedures for layoff and recall, as well as the conditions that must be met before an employee can be terminated. It also provides for grievance procedures, which allow employees to challenge any decisions that affect their employment.


The collective agreement between Douglas College and the BCGEU is an important document that affects the working conditions of all unionized employees at the college. It provides for minimum wages, benefits, leave entitlements, and job security. As the current agreement approaches its expiry date, negotiations for a new agreement are expected to begin soon. Unionized employees at Douglas College will be watching closely to see what changes are made to their working conditions.